MES Polifemo - Historical, statistical, efficiency and traceability indicators.
Production histories, machine stops, rejects.
Polifemo Xe, provides a series of historical data reports of production, downtime, rejects, according to an advanced filter search, allowing a subdivision by reason, by machine, by PN, by batch, by date, etc ..
The historical data tables, as well as being structured as a Pivot, can be exported in standard formats and configurable at the user level.
Statistics and efficiency indicators.
The system allows the complete consultation of all the production statistics being able to rely on a graphic engine that allows the capillary analysis of all the substantial data defined by the system (KPI, OEE) and by the user, analyzing the individual phases of interest .
You will therefore have correct and consistent feedback on the progress of production with all possible data, including downtime, maintenance and operator actions.
Traceability and eco-sustainability
Polifemo Xe, thanks to its solid and complete database structure, is ready to be conformed to the various requirements on the traceability of the entire production chain.
Thanks to this it is also possible to calculate the sustainability impact assessment (LCA-LCC)

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